The main objective of this project is in line with the EU Green Deal goal of lowering pesticide use by 50% by 2030, which was announced by the EC in December 2019.
The LIFE SMART SPRAYER uses a “smart” Agronomic Decision Engine (ADE) developed by BASF DF to demonstrate efficiency and enable more sustainable use of herbicides (plant protection agents) by reducing usage by an average of 40% from present levels. The project’s beneficiaries will construct six full-size SMART SPRAYER prototypes on a commercial scale to conduct six field trials for different row crops including sugar beet, corn, sunflower, and soybean over the course of three years in Germany, Hungary, Romania, and France, for a total of surface of 10 200 ha.
Project Reference: LIFE20 ENV/DE/000650
Start Date: 01.10.2021
End Date: 31.03.2025
Total Eligible Budget: 5,713,362 €
EU Contribution: 3,142,349 €
Disclaimer: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
BASF Digital
Farming GmbH
Robert Bosch
Werke H. Dreyer
GmbH & Co. KG
University of
Institute of
Coordination; farm selection; ADE software development; trial planning and execution
The development, design, and construction of smart spraying components and related software; commissioning of the innovative device in the trial fields
Construction and servicing of the LIFE SMART SPRAYER device
Expertise in the area of weed control with computer vision systems and has a long scientific track record in development of algorithms to map and treat weeds on agricultural fields and environmental monitoring activities
The LIFE SMART SPRAYER project will be jointly performed by four beneficiaries:
The project will be solely financed by beneficiaries’ own contributions.
Smart Sprayer im Video: Pflanzenschutzspritze erkennt Einzelpflanzen
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Pioneer Farmer with LIFE Machine in Hungary translated to different languages (DE, EN, HU) – After Rebranding to ONE SMART SPRAY
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Première campagne d’essais de la technologie ONE SMART SPRAY
Scientific Article
Scientific Article
30 October 2021
22 July 2022
13 January 2023
11 May 2023
June 2023
March 2024
April 2024
Article explaining the system, the set-up and it’s use cases on the Amazone sprayer.
Article explaining the set-up of the system and how the system works.
Hungarian farmer sharing his experience with the Amazone LIFE machine during the season and talking about future potentials.
Hungarian farmer sharing his experience with the Amazone LIFE machine during the season and talking about future potentials. Translated to relevant European languages.
Explaining the technology and it’s need for the future on the example of field days in France.
Scientific article analyzing the impact of site-specific herbicide application on weed management with the LIFE machine.
Scientific article of an independent organizsaiton, analysing the efficiency of the ONE SMART SPRAY subject to different parameters such as increasing speed.
ONE SMART SPRAY is a participant of a public-funded research project, Co-funded by the European Union under the LIFE Programme, to demonstrate the efficiency of the selective spraying technology and enable a more sustainable use of herbicides.
Copyright © ONE SMART SPRAY 2023